What do most people think about when someone mentions a wine bar? Expensive? Pretentious? Snobbish even? Well, Cork Wine Bar is quite different. Whenever you go there, you’ll be met by an unbelievably friendly staff who know a lot about what makes good wines.
The greatest appeal to people is not so much the selection of wines for you to taste (they are amazing tasting, by the way), but it’s modernization. The whole bar is computerized, the wine selection is electronically categorized, and purchasing is as simple as the swipe of a card.
Customers purchase a card that are able to refill at any time, using your personal funds (cash, credit card, debit card, etc). When you are ready to order, you just browse their touch-screens for the wine you want. Once you find what you want, (you can always also ask the professional staff for wine advice), you can select a taste or a full glass. Your wine selection is quickly filled by one of the courteous staff members. And that’s it! You can then sit back and enjoy your wine in their lounge, seated on one of their comfortable couches.
Loving wine has never been so easy.