Conveniently located at the Mockingbird Station, The People’s Last Stand is what you get when you take a New American Gastropub and add in a lively crowd with lively music.
The seating is a combination of tables and chairs and comfy lounge-style couches. The cocktails are all hand-crafted, so while on the pricey side, are definitely high quality. The food is Gastropub style, small plates of appetizers and fries to help keep your stomach full while enjoying the wide variety of drinks. The staff is very helpful, if not humorous and chatty. Everyone is very friendly.
The only problem people may have is that on the weekends, the music and the crowd can get very loud, an hearing anyone else speak can be next to impossible. It’s recommended that you go on a weeknight if you want to experience a little tete-a-tetes or just hang out with friends.